This is the lower 1/3 of the throat (pharynx). Tumours in this area are relatively silent in comparision to other areas and are thus found at a more advanced stage. While most cancers are related to tobacco and alcohol, certain cancers in this area are more common amongst women and not related to any habits.
Signs & Symptoms
- Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
- Painful swallowing (odynophagia)
- Change in voice
- Weight loss
- Mass in the neck
- Pain in the ear
It Includes
- The area just above the food pipe and including the first part of the food pipe (cervical esophagus)
- The area around the voice box (larynx) i.e. the pyriform sinuses on each side
- The back wall of the throat (the posterior pharyngeal wall)
Risk Factors
- Tobacco
- Alcohol
- Plummer-Vinson syndrome
- Female sex
Consult Dr. Vishal Choksi, one of the best head and neck surgeon for hypopharynx cancer.